Move Your Mood STUDIO
The MYM Studio is housed inside the Sheldon Kennedy Centre of Excellence, located on the grounds of Red Deer Polytechnic! It is a shared space for all children and youth accessing services at the Centre. The Studio is a place where children and youth can play, relax, practice mindfulness, be physically active, learn how to make healthy snacks and take part in creative activities.
The Studio provides a place for the structured 8-week Move Your Mood Recovery Alberta program to run and is accessible to all trained professionals in the building to bring children and youth they are working with as part of the child’s treatment and healing plan. This is a new model for healing, recovery, and prevention in our community, and we are proud to be a part of it.

Our Community builders
Thank you to all the individuals and businesses that have helped us grow!
100 Women that Care
Red Deer Kinsmen
Gull’s Give Foundation
City of Red Deer CREG grant
ParticipACTION grant
Express Employment Professionals
Gary Harris- Red Deer Polytechnic
Red Deer Regional Health Foundation
Central Alberta CO-OP
Adaptability Health & Wellness
Blue Grass Farms
B3 Brandi Heather Return to Play
Don Campbell Elementary School
Lacombe, Sylvan Lake, Olds, Innisfail Art Clubs
Studio Pilates
Hey Kanga
Alair Homes Red Deer
Red Hot Chili Painters
Eagle Builders
Carpet One
KCB Cabinets
Postma Electric
Central Alberta Flooring
Clearview Glass
Ryall Plumbing and Heating
Phase 3 Electric Ponoka
Want to help?
We are seeking community support to help us grow in various ways.
Please consider donating today or contact us if you'd like to be a part of this project.
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